User JaeJaeXOXO (click the username to see the original post!)
TIP: Try typing in “slim thick” under “Accessories” to find scalers that can work with the clothes that you already have (these ones generally work and override any other scalers that you might have on). Try a few on for size and see what works for you. To search, go to “Shop” and search “hip scalers” or “thigh scalers” under “Accessories” to view the entire catalog of scalers that are offered on IMVU. User Coolmia1 (click the username to see the original post!) It just takes a little patience, and maybe even the right key word search. With so many to choose from, it’s quite easy to find one to fit your specifications.
Scalers can help to widen out your hips, and add a little weight on your body to an exact percentage. Good thing is that on IMVU, you can make any of your #summergoals come true. Summer is upon us, and sometimes, we want a little help to look our best.